Tuesday, September 21

Much needed time with The Brewtons!

What an awesome few days we just shared with the Brewtons! It is always such a blessing to be with this amazing family. I know that no family is perfect, and I know that there's not one perfect way to "parent" your children...but boy are they doing something right! I'm not usually one to look to others for advice or to admire another's way of doing things (unfortunately I have too much pride to allow that), but I truly hope my parenting skills mirror those of the Brewtons! I want my children to be as much of a blessing to others as their kids are to me, Joe, and my boys. Emily and Wendell are such proactive parents who are so intentional in every way they raise their children. I'm sure their children aren't perfect and I'm sure their parenting skills aren't always perfect, but they've laid the foundation by focusing on heart issues not just behavior. Each of their children are so obedient, respectful, and loving towards others....and as a bonus they are each playful, funny, and beautiful! I will never short change Emily by saying "Oh, you just have calm children with good temperaments" because I know each of her children have unique personalities and temperaments, she has just dedicated her life the past 8 years to the ministry in her home. She has sacrificed so much along the way in order to raise her children in the way God intended. I'm sure not everyone has agreed with or understood her way of parenting (especially during those early weeks of life), but I must say to those people--Look at the "product" that her parenting has "produced" and don't be so prideful not to give her a little credit! :)
My hope and prayer is that in some way I will be able to learn from Emily's wisdom. I feel like I will be a better parent just because I know the Brewtons. I just wish I could "do life" with them more...

These Friends are such a blessing!

Joe and all the kids playing a game of catch-Conner was an excellent score keeper!

Me and Emily (It was quite the process getting her kids to take a good picture of us! 3 kids, 2 cameras, 50 clicks of the camera, maybe 1 good picture!)

Owen had such a great time playing with his friends!

Owen and Addison (I'm beginning to believe more and more in arranged marriages!)

Brother Time!

Sweet Mason!

I love this boy!

Such a happy boy!

Our boys!

Owen making his first homemade pizza! The first of many to come!

Joe is so thankful he has Owen to help make the chore of mowing the lawn a little more enjoyable!


Owen reading his book about Things That GO!

Silly Time with Mommy! Glad someone was actually there to capture the moment!

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