Thomas take along train gift from Grams and Gramps!
So fun!
Mason and his Gramps!
Mason and Uncle Sam!
Right after we finished opening gifts it started snowing!
A White Christmas!
Love his face in this picture!
"sledding" with Uncle Matt
Typical Joe
Owen learning how to throw snowballs with Uncle Matt!
Mason stayed nice and warm inside with Aunt Elise!
A quick family pic in the snow
Owen took a short break from tthe snow to eat a PBJ
Owen and Uncle Matt
Sweet Sweet Mason
Owen and Mason!
LOVE this picture!
Mason loves his Owen!
Mason with my Grandma!
Opeing gifts at my parents fun with 4 little boys!
Owen getting some help from Pops opening a gift
Owen and Bennett racing their new cars together!
Owen opening his big gift from Mimi and Pops...a wooden choo choo "go" (track)!
Owen and Dada sledding...
now with Uncle Matt...
now with Aunt Elise...
now with Uncle Nick...
now with me!
I put my (clean) thick fuzzy socks on his hands since we didn't have any gloves for him (we live in FL...why would we have golves for him!?!)
Playing "Abby woo woo" in the snow! (Abby is my mom's dog and woo woo is what he calls a dog!)
family walk in the snow
Matt taught him how to eat the snow
He had so much fun in the snow!!
Silly Owen and Bennett playing on Joe!
Owen and Mimi snuggled up!
Mason and Aunt Sissy
Mason and Mimi
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