Mason was born on July 10, 2010
at 9:22am 21inches long 7 lbs. 2 oz.
It was a very stressful delivery for both Baby and Mommy. Ashley spent five minutes pushing before the doctor realized Mason was not going to cooperate. Mason was laying sideways and refused to position himself head down despite nurses pushing on him and making Ashley push in awkward positions. Additionally, Mason's heart rate was dipping to dangerous levels when she would push which meant the cord had to be wrapped around his neck. Ashley was quickly prepared for a C-section which was the worst part of the whole process for me as I had to be separated from her for about 10 minutes (It seemed like an eternity). The surgery started almost as soon as I entered the room and in a matter of seconds Mason was hoisted out into the world. Mason had the cord wrapped around his neck twice and he was not crying and very blue at first. I was relieved to hear him cry and we later found out some of the blue was not from having his circulation compromised but from bruising he received on his face while Ashley was pushing. We had to wait 5 minutes to see the little guy because he was being worked on. I know this was very disappointing for Ashley but as soon as they put him on her chest she began to throw up and I was escorted out of the room with Mason in my arms. It was probably a good 2 hours before Ashley would even get to see Mason but I was able to get a lot of father son time and love on him. The bruising on his face is almost gone now that we are home. Owen was so confused when we showed him Mason. Owen's face seemed to say "Why didn't you leave him at the hospital." However, he warmed up to his new brother quickly and before nap time Owen gave us all a kiss including his new little brother. We are very blessed to have two handsome and healthy little boys. It is a huge blessing to have Owen's and Mason's Mimi here to help us while their Pops, Aunts, Uncles, and Grams and Gramps all wait on deck to visit and help. Thank you for the prayers we are very blessed to have such a wonderful addition to our little family.
He is just perfect! Wow, that does sound like a very stressful delivery. But, you got a wonderful gift in the end! Ashley looks great after all of that:) Congrats again Graziano Family!!